Greetings everyone 😊
While we have been in another lockdown, I've just discovered Bitmoji. Isn't it great - it's certainly kept me entertained whilst we've been staying safe behind closed doors.
This is one of my favourites - me and Poppy and she's even wearing a bandana!
Still, it's not as good as the real thing...

Whilst in lockdown, I've also set up a storefront on Bookshop.org
This was recommended by Steve from Nantwich Bookshop which, if you are in the area, is well worth a visit. I fell in love with the shop the instant I saw if from across the street. Little did I know at the time, that Denise and Steve would actually stock copies of my books 😍
I owe them a great deal for the support they've given me, along with Natasha at The Chicken and Frog bookshop, Nick from Wyre Forest Books and the whole team at Matador Books. I'm sure they already know this because I've told them many times before 😊
Bookshop.org is a wonderful way to support Indie bookshops and authors. By using an affiliate, we are able to make a small commission on books featured in our store.
You can view my storefront by clicking on this link: https://uk.bookshop.org/shop/Gilly

Since I unfortunately missed out on the proposed book launch of Tammy and Willow last November - due to the second lockdown - I am keeping positive about holding a book launch for my third book.
Book #3 is still a work in progress at the moment but it sees the return of none other than Poppy.
Writing about her adventure in Poppy on Safari was a lot of fun and it was wonderful seeing how much the children in my hometown enjoyed the story.
At the moment, the manuscript for Book #3 is complete - but is still in it's early draft. I'm reading it out to my daughter, Becki at the moment. She's a fabulous critic and will listen, laugh, criticize, suggest, and be - sometimes brutally - honest!
When it comes to my artwork, that's where my son, Nathan, steps in. He's a fabulous artist - and I'm not just saying that because he's my son! He is in his final year at college studying graphics and so far, his grades have included many distinctions. Although he is a perfectionist and is never completely happy with his work, this makes him the perfect critic for my book illustrations.
So far, these are just a couple of drawings which have passed the Nathan Young quality inspection 😊
On the left is Poppy making a couple of new friends. The cute little pug on the right is a new character called, Olive. Doesn't she look proud wearing her bow-tie?
There will be many more drawings to come and I shall reveal these on my blog, so watch this space!
Meanwhile, I shall leave you with my latest advert for Tammy and Willow.
Meet Willow, who is one of the cleverest puppies you'll ever meet...
Willow has an exceptional gift that amazes everyone - human and canine. However, the little pup has no idea how special she is.

Stay safe and well everyone and happy reading! 🐾